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I am an Australian occupational therapist, educator and researcher. I have worked as an OT in mental health, vocational rehabilitation and a private surgical hospital. I am passionate using online technology to enhance the knowledge and growth of the occupational therapy profession. In my PhD research I am looking at the role of online technologies in information management and knowledge transfer in occupational therapy. Views expressed and stories shared on this blog are my opinion and do not represent views of my employer or professional registration body.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Life in a virtual world

Ever thought about living completely in a virtual world? This book My Tiny Life: Crime and Passion in a Virtual World was referred to me by my colleague Susan Burwash and is available as a downloadable pdf file or you can buy it online.

Julian Dibbell’s My Tiny Life remains, to this day, the best book written about what it is like to live immersed in a virtual world. The fact that the world in question in text-based, and the events described happened over a decade ago, is completely irrelevant. You cannot call yourself knowledgeable about virtual worlds unless you have read this book.

OK... I'll download it and read it!More on this later then.


Angela Hook said...

Hi Anita
Thanks for this link - I will certainly have a look at the book. I have been wondering for some time about the potential of using second life in our work as occupational therapists - do you have any experience of this - or any views on this?
Our blog is a team blog of OT educators at Uni of Salford in the UK - if you think it useful you could add us to your blog roll?
Good to "meet" you

Angela said...

sorry -I signed in with a different email account which doesn't link to our blog:

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